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How to get handle to the window in wpf?

Anonymous User285323-Sep-2013

I got a WPF project, which is compiled into a dll and will be called from another application. That's how it is set up. In this WPF project I need to pop up a customized message box from the view model of the main window to show messages to the user. This customized message box requires a Window parameter. That's how it is.

For a WPF application, Application.Current.MainWindow will get me what I need. But here it is a dll, so Application.Current is null, and leads to run time exception. I also tried something like Window.GetWindow(this). Here it is not working, because 'this' is the view model, so it won't give me the handle of the main window.

What else can I try to get the handle of the main window here?


Updated on 23-Sep-2013
I am a content writter !

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